Friday, July 10, 2009

He said no...and I loved it!

Base ball Player Shaking Head being Douche Pictures, Images and Photos
When I'm not chasing toddlers, wipping baby butts, and writing sexy stories I work for an ophthalmologist. We have opened up an optical shop at work and I get to purchase glasses at cost.

I only use my glasses for computer work and reading so I'm very abusive towards them. I toss them on the desk when I walk away and there are times I find them at the bottom of my purse, having fallen out of their case. Needless to say I've owned this pair for 3 months and they have a few scratches in them. I would like a new pair (a spare) and I picked out 2 pairs of frames I liked and asked the optician to put them aside for me. (So I could ask TJ..which I did via Text)

Yesterday, he must have remembered that I had asked him and I received this text:
"Oh, No glasses. Not until blah blah blah is paid off..." Was I disappointed? Yep, you bet. But I was thrilled to my toes! I think this is may have been the first time in a while he has told me no. Usually, he would say sure...and he would go without something in order to pay for it. But he didn't this time. The things he wants to pay for first are totally more important then a spare pair of glasses for me, and I hadn't even thought of those things. I was elated!

I told the optician to just keep the sku number but that she could put the frames back on the board for now. She asked if TJ had said no (she knew I was going to run it past him first). I said "Yeah, he said no for now" and she was going to leave it at that. A few other co-workers heard our conversation and a few comments were made about me being a "Nice little obedient wifey" and none were meant as a compliment.

The optician (newly married herself) asked "So who should I who ask or her who just buys without asking" I just looked at the other ladies (most of whom hide purchases from their husbands and sneak them into their closets late at night) and answered for myself. "It depends. If you buying without asking upsets him then ask. If he doesnt' care what you do with the money then don't. It depends on your relationship with him. It bothers TJ when I buy stuff (other than food) without asking first, so I ask," A few more little comments were thrown around but I just brushed them off. Afterall, TJ and are happy and it works for us.

Also, I'm not hiding it anymore..he's the boss...society can just get used to it!


Meow said...

This sounds like the best thing that could have happened! I usually get what I want and wish sometimes Lash would say no. I'm glad you're so satisfied with it and didn't let the "comments" at work get you down. You know what's best for you!! Meow

Dante d'Amore said...

Hmmmm. "No!"

I'll have to try that sometime.

Measha said...

Dante...I have to say it was probably the sexiest thing he said all day to me. It's the dominant thing..the feeling that he's in charge...just gets me!

Katia said...

Great post, Measha. Good for you brushing off the comments. You are happy and that is all that matters.