Saturday, July 18, 2009


Dwayne Johnson the Rock Pictures, Images and Photos
TJ is contemplating getting a new tattoo. He has a tribal ring (I think that's what it's called) around his right bicep but would like to get another one. I suggested something with our children's names on them. He declined, saying that he thought that would be bad luck. I then suggested having his wedding band tattoo'd onto his finger..he laughed. I then suggested that he get a paddle put on the back of his right shoulder. He said would have to go on his forearm. The handle would be on the arm and it would be pointed downwards so that the paddle portion would be on the top of his right hand......I may just make a spanko out of him yet!


Katia said...

Nice picture of Dwayne "Rock" Johnson-very hot! That would be an interesting tatoo to try to explain to friends. You could always get a tatoo of a hand print on your bottom that says,"spank here." LOL


Measha said...

Katia, That would be a neat tattoo...but I just think about how it will look when I'm 70 my bottom all droopy and some poor nursing student is giving me my sponge bath...awkward!! LOL

And, the Rock is AWESOME...that eyebrow thing! *deep heavy sigh* lol