Monday, June 1, 2009

I don't know what's going on

puffle...he\'s confused =P Pictures, Images and Photos
Things are....well...wierd here. There has been no spanking in almost two weeks. I've asked..but haven't recieved any, and I haven't really been angry about it, but I do miss it. I have no idea what's going on.

We aren't fighting, we aren't angry, we seem to be "normal" but there's no spanking or even the threat of a spanking looming. I think DD is in hibernation or something. There aren't even any "looks" lately. I want to be submissive to him, and his authority, but if there's nothing to be submissive to..then what?

I don't know... I just don't know....


Hermione said...

Hi Measha,

If you have asked, what did he say in response? No? Later? Okay?

Maybe that will give you a clue.


Meow said...

Bummer! Hope it changes soon!! We haven't been doing DD for long enough to have this happen, but I know it will. Keep us posted and Good Luck, Meow

Adam's Angel said...

Hugs to you sweetie. I'll look for you on IM this week - I should be on during the day a bit.


Measha said...


He would reply with a "sure" but then something would happen that would put the spanking off for a day then another then another until forgotten by us both.

2 more weeks and I'm back to part time at work..that should help...I hope.

Working so much has left me feeling very drained. I barely see the kids, TJ, and I've lost touch with my online friends over the past 4 weeks...I really can't wait to get my life back!
