Saturday, May 1, 2010

I wrote a post last night about TJ and myself that, although very honest, wasn't very nice. I have deleted it. I am having a hard time with my relationship with TJ and it's not fair to publicize what I've told him in private when he has no venue to defend his position. He has assured me that what needs to be worked on will be worked on...and to be honest I don't know what will happen.

Nothing horrible happened, he didn't cheat on me or anything like that, it's just a dependability issue. Anyway, I'm sure that everything will work out for the best, no matter what happens. In the meantime the spanking will continue, the D/s relationship will sloooooooowly evolve or it will dissolve... this is all just one huge roller coaster ride and I have to hold on for dear life and wait for the ride to calm.

The one thing that has not changed is that we love each other and we've worked through worse situations, so I'm confident that we will work this all out just fine. I'm thinking a date night might be in's been a really long time since we've had one.

Maybe I just need a good sorting out. I feel rather lost at the moment, in regards to D/s, and i feel like I have no where to really turn...this feeling coupled with the other stuff has left me feeling a bit down, but I'm keeping my chin up and my skirts on!


Anonymous said...

I am sending hugs.
Please remember that having this sort of dynamic does not protect one from the normal twists and turns of a relationship.
Also we girls understand that you can say, "URGH! He is driving me mad!" and you don't mean he is horrid, unreasonable or even wrong, you can just be venting and in need of being sorted out. Because lots of us live like this means we understand that. He doesn't need to defend himself because anyone worth their salt will see the context in which you write. I hope you share a bottle of something soon and reconnect in whatever manner is right for you both.

Katia said...

I think Poppy said it best. Measha I hope that you find some peace, and have a lovely date night together.