Monday, March 29, 2010


I have no idea what is going on around here.

On Friday night TJ had all but said no more to all of this...or did I say that and he agreed? I don't even remember, that's how horrible that conversation was.

Saturday, he declared that no matter what, we are going to make this relationship work. There's a lot of back story with this but it will take quite some time to discuss it and nothing all that exciting either.

Sunday, I found a website that talks about submissive wives. I told him about it, instead of him saying yes or no to me joining the "community board" he told me to see if I have any vacation days left. He wants me to take a day or so off so that we can "concentrate on us", when he isn't overwhelmed with work. Last week was horrible because of his work, he worked a LOT of overtime (here at home, remoting into work) and didn't have the energy to work on us or talk about us. (Now, I did not know this at the time of my last post. He didn't tell me how much work he had been doing or that he was getting calls in the middle of the night. Communication is obviously on the list of things to improve around here).

Today, I have no real understanding where I stand around here, but I think it's not as bleak as I may have thought on Friday. Maybe things are looking up? I really don't know.


Jenny B said...

Is that "The Submissive Wives Project"? I used to be a member there - lovely ladies, very serious submission.
I hope you and TJ can find out how to make this work for you both. Big hugs


Meow said...

I really do hope this day together makes a big difference for you two. good Luck! Meow