Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Comfort Zone

Nothing has happened. There has been no more talk of what is expected nor has there been a spanking, or even a verbal warning towards my behavior. Yes, it's only been a few day; however, I already feel a change in the house. A new tone has been set. I have been more calm and relaxed. I feel happy and loved as if he's with me at all times. I've told him this just this morning. He smiled and said "That's good," and when I was ranting about the pots not being put away properly (a battle we've fought since day one of moving into this house) he just laughed and commented on how cute I looked ranting in my scrub bottoms and my bra. That took all the fight out of me, not that there was much at all anyway. I feel as though I'm being hugged even when he's not here to hug me, it's a wonderful feeling this comfort zone.


Anonymous said...

Dear Measha,

I have so little time these days but I wanted to let you know how much I've enjoyed your posts. I can relate to your emotions. I'm happy for your recovery & your talks. I love your putting into words what I've felt: An ever present influence. The pot placement & d.washer loading (& many others!)was our issue as well. We do it his way now but it occasionally grates on me! (shhh) Take care Measha, KayLynn

Katia said...

Measha I am glad you are recovering. What a great post.

ronnie said...

Measha, I glad for you and that you are recovering. You sound so happy.

Take Care.


Florida Dom said...

Good to hear a new tone has been set and you're calm and relaxed.

Hope that things keep going well.